Friday, October 26, 2018


The days race toward the finish line, you long for end goal but panic that you won't have packed all your pieces before you reach it, what a cruel reward. Trudge through the Post-its on the pages, trying to answer all the question marks with poetry but coming up with grating fortune cookie translations. Remind yourself to put one foot in front of the other, even a small step is better than no step at all, and then suddenly there it is: all the ducks line up and recite the story how it was made to be told. You throw out pages, entire chapters of canon but it doesn't matter, you found a better truth, you sing a sweeter song. I see the finish line again and know I arrive at it differently than I thought, but I will arrive at it and that is the part that matters; that is the part you will remember. I pulled a note out of the envelope this morning and I didn't know what it meant then but I know now. Try as I might I cannot control everything; try as I might I still have to humble myself at the feet of the Unknown, today I found an answer I didn't even know I was looking for and it answered questions I had taken for lost causes.

(these tracks are only to show me
where I've been
they don't tell me where I have
to go)

One foot in front of the other. I promise you you will arrive.

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