Saturday, August 25, 2018


this is my final fit 

She sits in the California sunshine and tells you no truths of the world, only truths of her own, and it is exactly what you wanted to hear. It reminds you this world is strange and wondrous and we don't know anything about what is to come. Another voice comes from the far north with a glimmer of hope around the edges. You exhale. Today I sat at the edge of the ocean and watched a pod of dolphins swim back and forth along the shoreline. There may have been a message in there for me; all I saw was joy. The water was clear, and calm, and the sun browned my pale shoulders, summer lingers in my limbs and I smiled despite myself. My chest was light and I couldn't explain it, but I didn't have to. There's a certain kind of light that hits the West Village in August, it reminds you of a lifetime in its embrace, it reminds you there is sunshine in the world yet and you have only to reach for it. By the time  I walked home, a full moon lit my way. Life is strange and wondrous. I want to always be in awe of it. 

Sometimes you need a reminder. Sometimes you need to sit in the silence of a full moon until it tells you so much of the things you were too tired to hear. Life is strange. But it is, in every day, magic. 

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