Monday, January 13, 2020


Monday nights at the bar, your regular bartender is still missing but the other faces are growing familiar and they greet you with a knowing nod. The playlist skews British 90s and your work twists under its influence. The couple next to you are on an early date; he flexes name and privilege all over the table and you think of how many times you’ve indulged self-absorbed men to keep inflating their own selves while you’ve made plans for the second you leave him on a street corner. Today I stared into the light therapy lamp well into the afternoon, but if it works I am not one to jump ship early.

You may have noticed, I don’t even jump ship late.

The book unveils itself in the candle light, a few passages riding across your tongue like a dream but the rest struggling to pass even into your conscious. I leapt, at some point, I leapt into the unknown and I put all my Faith in a miracle at the bottom but I’ve been falling for an awful long time and miracles are becoming hard to come by in this life.

But I’m still collecting pennies. And some day soon I will cash then all in.
Some day soon I will bet all my coins on

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