Friday, January 24, 2020


Another night wide awake, the jet lag only gets you for a few hours when everything else is quiet. The children squealed at your arrival, they grow every time you turn around but everything else looks the same, it is a comfort. We got married in New York over New Years, they giggle, the whole thing was a surprise. You haven’t words anymore, everyone is living their miracles but none of them move you. Is this what getting older is like?

I rode the bus across the islands today, early afternoon but still the sun set across the archipelago and bathed the old town in fire. We crossed the bridge, saw the tip of the star On the horizon and I thought it is a miracle we live at all, and that was enough. For hours this morning I sat with a baby sleeping in my arms and I wanted to teach him everything, but what is there to teach?

Life is a miracle, your life is a miracle, if you find a home hold onto it tight so you don’t fall away, and if when you are lost and rambling you find someone who is a comfort, that is the answer you were looking for. We are all lost and rambling to begin with.

And nothing remains lost forever.

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