Monday, January 20, 2020

the Luckiest II

Holiday Mondays, the office is quiet. There is chaos at home and what a gift to have somewhere to escape, you think, before tornados penetrate the windowless room and leave you in tatters again. I heard a sad song this morning and it nearly broke me, sometimes the ice gets so thin even after months of your dancing on it without a crack. I'm alright, you know I'm alright, I have never taken breaths this deep in midwinter so I must be doing something right, but lord if the broken pieces aren't still sharp in places.

The temperatures plummeted this weekend, but the days are still sunny, still beaming in their clear air and if you sang a song now they'd hear it across the ocean. Perhaps that is the lesson: for every pain there is a joy. For every sharp edge, there will one day be a caress so sweet you forgot you ever bled to begin with.

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