Monday, January 13, 2020


For hours, there was nothing but night: quiet, still night and a cool breeze settling across the avenue, a few scattered cars, silence. I lay awake in the dark, truths wrapped around me like weighted blankets asking what will you do with us? But I don't have the answer. All I can offer is my sleeplessness. All I can offer is truth spoken in these quiet spaces where it can't be heard, I can't let it be heard, I can't stand to hear it. Do you see how January has been kind, thus far? How I breathe, how I somehow find it in my muscle memory to smile? I cannot risk losing all that to truth, don't ask it of me. The weekend was so sunny, maybe that's why I couldn't sleep, maybe I'm giving the demons credit that doesn't belong to them, maybe I'm just happy. I don't need to run anymore, and that's new to me.

I'm not running anymore.

I think that means anything is possible.

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