Thursday, December 20, 2018

Love, Actually

The temperature rises, you walk through holiday street markets but hear only birdsong, something in the back of your mind remembers spring, you smile deep into your lungs at the recollection. Every day how many times you trip but at the end of it isn’t there always a reason for those smiles? Isn’t there always a way to let gratitude sweep clean the soot from inside you? I ran along the river today, slowly, my body so tired from its illnesses but so glad to be breathing again, to see the light dance across the bridges and glitter in distant skyscrapers. I know it’s confusing, love, I know you’re tired sometimes and lost in the fog, but keep breathing, put one foot in front of the other, eventually the congestion will ease from your lungs, eventually the sun will return, maybe not in the form you expected but oh it’ll shine, and you will see clearly, and for a moment there will sit in your chest a calm like you never knew you could expect, and you’ll know everything will be okay.

I know the path isn’t entirely clear.
But keep walking it.
Trust me.
All the best is yet to come.

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