Saturday, July 14, 2018


The days continue, each one so like the next and yet completely different, you roll the island accent on your tongue and try its melody on for size but your ever whitening hair gives you away before your lips are parted. I wake early every morning, a soft breeze, a quiet sunrise, it’s a short respite before the tropics pummel our poor northern sensibilities. Every tumble off the board is a lesson in humility; every breath watching coconuts sway in the breeze is a lesson in mindfulness: I take careful notes and breathe without reminders. I think again a life on the sea would heal my every wound; how many times must the ocean tell me before I listen? We make plans for tattoos, and returns, before we’ve barely landed, such is the dream of escapes, you are a cliché, I forgive you.

I know it’s only the magic of vacation, but I am at peace. My heart is beaten and bruised, it weeps and bleeds still and I want it to. Such tenderness arises when we know how frail we are, how much we can love, I believe the soft people will win in the end and this is not a competition it’s a blessing, if you want a trophy take whatever comes out of my heart

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