Friday, June 29, 2018

And All Your Moves

We’re buying an apartment on 6th street! she  says like a sunbeam and forgives him barely for having told you first. They stumble over each other describing backyards and two-bedroom potential and you tell them how you adore that block and that the florist on the corner is a legend. When they leave, the tingle of moving stays with you, the potential of Newness, the buzz of stripping everything you own to its core and bringing only the bits that you like. Build a new map for yourself to stand on, a new person for you to stand in, the world is yours for the taking. I have allowed myself to sit in the mud, and I know it, I see the complacency spread in my veins like an old map where the lines are all outdated. I weigh my coins and consider my options.

Adventure is out there.

But you have to step into the current to catch it.

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