Monday, November 2, 2020


It's like the night before Christmas, I hear myself say, except bad. The air on the streets is different, or maybe you're projecting. He calls to rant and you feel your body begin to tremble, indiscernible at first but by the time you hang up it trembles deep in your bones. I stock up on bourbon while the liquor store boards up their windows. Just a precaution, they say smiling. Just a precaution for the end of the world, as it were. I pour myself a glass, sit back down at the computer. The words come easier in crisis. It's a cruel payoff. The sunlight along the river whispered of winter today, the cold winds made no mistake and still I smiled as I ran. It's strange to hold a light heart when the world is heavy. 

The important thing is wielding a strong heart when the world goes dark.

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