Wednesday, June 1, 2016


I saw you yesterday. Stockholm is sunny and beautiful beyond belief, the water glitters that way it does and I burn my shoulders traversing the islands. I don't sleep. It never gets dark and there isn't time anyway, whoever called this vacation must be delusional. 

At every turn I think I'll see you, at every outdoor restaurant I scan the crowds for your face, but when it actually appeared, how it surprised me. Everything is still there, every tumultuous gut-punching Stockholm night, every dreary day after, of questioning every word you said. I forget I ever had a home anywhere else, that I ever wandered the earth, I lose my footing on the cobblestone streets, there's the old apartment and it's a lifetime ago I even set foot in it, why do I still pretend it matters. 

The train left early this morning. The countryside billows around it, lilacs in full bloom and the entire season at its feet. Your heart is in the same vise as always, anchored in a hundred places without belonging anywhere. The train races on. Prepare your smiles for arrival. 

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