Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Ramble

Sunny Sundays in Manhattan, how cold yet. Laundry day college look and tangled hair, who cares. The soul more tangled still, confused, leaving half-finished sentences trailing off into the darker recesses of my brain. Are you lost? I am beginning to suspect I am too. Laptop and novel ambitions spread out across the kitchen table but halted before reaching anywhere. One fluffy cotton dress away from Wonderland and perhaps it would be easier. Give me a little adventure. Give me a bottle, a cookie, a key. Nonsense more inviting than these loose messes of words, of ideas, of feelings misunderstood.

The world is confusing when it cannot be divided into black, into white and I am colorblind. Like reality was quickly glimpsed at but managed to run away before I caught it, and now I don't know up from down. No one on the corner has swagger like us and can I have another cup of coffee, after all?

This is me, though. I am stuck with me. Save yourself while you can. It's not likely, to ever make sense.

1 comment:

  1. Would you please let me know if you ever figure it out my dear? After being raised in a world of black and white, realizing almost all of it is grey is a shock my senses still haven't recovered I hear you, loud and clear. Now if we could just see...
