Thursday, December 10, 2009

Checking it Twice

Rummaging through Word documents, I came upon one labeled "August Resolutions", a list of which I had no recollection. As I opened it, I was greeted by this sweet reminder of a time not so long ago. When I sat on the rooftop in Brooklyn and looked at the City, my elusive gem sparkling across the East River, towering at the horizon but still so seemingly far away. How could I long for something, when it was close enough that I could touch it?

I make these resolutions for [the city],
because I am here and now I have to deserve it.
Because what is the point of going mad,
if you won’t do it properly?

So easy, to crawl into the nine-to-five routine and stay there, comfortably safe and nestled in its predictability. So easy, to walk these streets without really living on them, to go to bed with American sitcoms and get those coveted eight hours on the pillow. To postpone, to get comfortable, to say Thanks, but no thanks, when Life comes knocking.

"...because the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn..."

Tickled pink, I remember why I came. I remember the glowing embers within me that love to live, love to laugh, love to be filled with whatever Madness can be found. And it's a good city to be looking for that. Despite the December darkness, despite the inevitable lull, I take my list and I run head-first, into the New York City night.

2. Say Yes, when asked

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