Tuesday, April 2, 2019

So It Goes

April rushes in like a fool, like unkempt Ophelia who consents to her madness only for the freedom it brings. I dance along its coattails and laugh in the streets, what worries could we possibly have now, what fears, what darkness? I can recall a time when winter sat like a weight around my ankles, but I don't now know what that felt like.

Come to think of it, I can recall a lot of times, I can recall all the times, but I don't know now how they felt in my chest, don't remember now how they trembled on my skin, don't see the frequency at which I vibrated. I can only live this moment, one at a time, can only give you the version of me I am today, and you're in luck.

Today, with your purchase, I come with all these fireworks, these sparkles, these piles of sunshine free of charge.

If it's too much for you to carry, now would be a good time to consider your investment.

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