Monday, February 20, 2012

Forward. Fast.

It rained all weekend; cold, icy February rain and it broke your heart with every slam against the window. But when you stepped out this morning, the rains had washed the snow away, the streets lay barren--thick with gravel, but barren. It was light before you were even out of bed. Spring is not impossibly far away, after all.

I saw a picture of your house today, the view from your rooftop, all summer sunshine and lush green trees. The hesitation in my chest was but slight, I laughed and dared to hope for the impossible. You do not know yet how good we would be together. You do not know how much I would love your view and your streets; I would cherish them. I hope you can hear it, when I tell you.

It was light when I walked home from work today, too. I don't think I needed that hat pulled down so far. There was life left in me, and hope, and giggles. Spring is not impossibly far away. Life, is just around the corner.

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