Wednesday, July 27, 2011

"But I Hope"

Endless delving in the misery; we read every new article and are appalled. A dear visitor arrives on the island, and over countless glasses we still go over the details, the little scraps of anything we know. We try to make sense, we try to connect. We are but human. We wallow in the tragedy, to try to understand.

When I woke up this morning, the sun was finally shining. A soft, steady light, unmarred by wind or clouds, the sea a blue glass mirror below. I turned on my computer and found a video waiting, just a short clip, just a greeting from a friend. But it was so much more than that. It was you. Since last I saw you, you've come home. Since last I saw you, you've held your babies and found new words. Since last I saw you, you've begun to smile.

And for all that is awful, and hopeless, and tragic in this world, for all that is incomprehensibly cruel, this one thing seemed proof that there is something left to fight for. You reminded me what a beautiful thing it is, Life. You reminded me these tears, could also be for good.

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