Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Sun Dance

At the end of the highway, at the base of the mountain, the road narrows to one lane curving into the canyon, wrapped in tree canopy, watched by violent cliffsides, shooting into the sky. Suddenly, after climbing countless switchbacks, the road explodes into a scenic turn, millenia in the making, ten-thousand foot mountains emerging jagged and carpeted from the depths of the earth, jig-sawing themselves against each other, pausing in the turns to take deep breaths of high-altitude air. 

We pass the peak, roll back down narrow sweeps of asphalt, brushing up against aspen tides connected by one single root, millenia in the making, everything quakes and tingles. It feels like it's the first day of a thousand new days, like you turned a corner and was finally excited to see what you might find there, after years of fearing what might come around the bend. 

August coils itself behind you, tucks in its hands and feet and rests in its accomplishments. You have no notes, nothing but gratitude. In the car on the way down, he says the end of the dream is hitting me in the form of stressing about retirement, and you only know what he means in theory. The dream still remains with you in your pocket, silent, biding its time, reminding itself through you by little nibbles along your side. You wake restless. 

The sun sets behind the mountains, your table laden with drinks and swills of writing, unfinished stories stretching their limbs and asking what comes next. You're not quite sure the answer, but you're beginning to get a sense. 

You're not quite sure the answer,
but you look forward
to finding it out.

Monday, August 19, 2024

It's the Risk That I'm Taking

Your childhood streets fall away behind the train car, glittering lakes of cool swims, late at night after the club closed, early on Sundays when parents weren't quite awake yet, long Julys when school breaks felt endless, you were born in the land of one hundred thousand lakes and they never left you, you are more water than land, more forest floor than mind. You forgot your to do list, forgot to follow your prescribed course while here, and somehow you got everything you came for. You sit on a train like moss, like generations of calm lie in your chest, it's all still there, you were never reduced to your current state, only ever expanded, you contain multitudes.

The small towns of your ancestors fly past outside the window, remind themselves to you, they whisper your name and pronounce it correctly, such is their power, such is their gift. You are a whole life of layer, a whole world full of treasures gathered, trinkets piled in the corners of your spine, you are a body made of spirit, a spirit made of woods and lakes and sunshine and moss, you are a lifetime of leaving and coming back. 

This is the heart you were asked to own.
Who are you to turn away a heart
when it knocks on your door?