Wednesday, August 28, 2019

and the Living is Easy

A morning arrives, heavy clouds on your brow and light springs in your step, is this what the new age brings? I feel like a bag of bricks,  I feel entirely reborn. A birthday passes in mad dashes: diving into the ocean in Queens, collapsing in a hungry giggle in Brooklyn, drinking our way up the Bowery in Manhattan. I said why don't we go up to the top of the Empire State Building, and he said yes. I asked, but is it ridiculous, and he said yes, what better spirit could you ask for at the dawn of a new year? When I stepped out of the door on the 86th floor and saw the midnight city spring to greet me, every uncertainty of our adventure blew away, I smiled and cried at once and thought I have every thing I could ever want in having just this one. He smiled and nodded, in return.

There was sand in my hair when I woke this morning, salt on my skin and drinks on my breath. There was freedom behind my eyelids and potential at my fingertips; today is the first day of the rest of your life, what on earth will you do with these gifts you've been given?

You get out of bed. Put one foot in front of the other. What a strange life, you think, and then you walk straight out into it.

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