Thursday, November 30, 2017

On Gratitude

The whirlwind escalates. Life flashes before you in a mad rush, you work, you laugh, you have no time for rest and your body screams to no avail, you haven't the time to stop and listen. Fall asleep every night before your head hits the pillow, see your main character wither at the edge of your vision and you want so much to hold her, to carry her forward but you don't know how to put her first, it's the same story over and over and rent is due on the first you count your pennies. Suddenly an unexpected opening; the Universe steps in to open a window. You see a streak of light and hold on to it like a child.

The point of life is not to never fall off the track. The point is to get back on it. I rested on my laurels and how sweet a sleep it is but how stagnant. The world vibrates around me in opportunity, loved ones take hesitant steps on shaky legs and marvel at their own strength. I sat for a quiet moment in a bar on the lower Lower East Side with a deep breath in my lungs and silent tears in my eyes and marveled at presence. These days will run past us if we do not see them. These people will leave us if we do not hear them. Life gets sticky and perhaps you can't skirt by it anymore. I take the little girl's hand in mine. Gently. Like I love her.

The only way out is through. 

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