Saturday, March 28, 2015

Big City

There's an itch at the center of my spine, it makes me equal parts apathetic and restless. I begin to open drawers, run my fingers along dusty items long neglected and long desperately to throw everything out, start fresh. Only own as much as you can carry. The daffodils I bought yesterday already overwhelm my window, keeping in step with the sunlight. The promise of spring runs rampant in my periphery, all I want is to leap madly into whatever unforeseen futures may come with it.

There was a time, when you longed for adventure and saying yes to the unknown, open to what magic it may bring. For too long, you have allowed yourself to be coddled, in some safe space that only pretended to give you the world, when really all it did was show it through a window. I don't care if you are scared. A new year lies waiting in the wings.

Prove at last you are worth it.

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