Sunday, October 12, 2014


I swear I can be better
I could be more
to you

My father calls. He lies in a bed in his own father's house. We speak of life and what we are making of it.

You can do better, he says, and you will not be satisfied until you do. It doesn't take a genius to see he is right, but sometimes it takes a while for truths to sink in. You've known all along, if you think about it. There's a quiet moment as a cool autumn wind settles in the Village, pieces begin to fall into place. I write lists, finally, the impending days of my life dancing before me like Sylvia Plath quotes and I love them infinitely, dripping off my tongue into dark October nights and I just know it will all be alright.

I don't know why you've been so quiet for so long. I'm sorry. A piece of my tooth fell out today, like a bad dream. What is it they say it means, when you dream of losing teeth? I imagine riches or despair but in the end it comes down to holding out for dental insurance.

I took a deep breath and listened to the old brag of my heart. I am, I am, I am.

Better, you think quietly to yourself. Yes, this is the time for better. 

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